Анализ цен на биткойны: почему долгосрочные инвесторы не продают, несмотря на падение

1. The price of bitcoin is now being sold by the cryptocurrency experts at Binh Dangg and is no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets. What’s its implication? Long-term holders are no longer interested in selling their assets.

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Вот возможная перефразировка: текущая цена Биткойна упала до самого низкого месячного уровня в $56 567,10, что представляет собой снижение более чем на 6,2% за последние 24 часа. Если эта тенденция сохранится, это может указывать на дальнейшее движение цены вниз. В последнее время ходили слухи, что краткосрочные инвесторы в биткойны быстро покидают рынок. Однако не все эксперты считают, что надежда на рынке полностью потеряна. Фактически, график волн Биткойна Realized Cap-HODL, представленный Binhdangg, предлагает убедительный контраргумент этой точки зрения. Давайте копнем глубже!

Рыночное поведение долгосрочных держателей биткойнов: что показывает график 

Предложенное экспертом по криптовалютам на платформе X показывает, что «долгосрочный держатель» — это все термины, используемые для обозначения графика. Каково его значение? Долгосрочные держатели сейчас считают хранение более выгодным, чем продажа. Находится ли Биткойн в настоящее время в фазе удержания? Возможно, это так! График определенно подтверждает такое предположение. Похоже, что долгосрочные трейдеры чрезвычайно уверены в Биткойне и ожидают скорого бычьего роста на рынке. Понятно, что опытные биткойн-трейдеры теперь придерживаются взгляда на рынок, прямо противоположного общему восприятию рынка.

Анализ текущих тенденций в биткойнах: что говорит эксперт 

Проще говоря, похоже, что эксперт считает, что сегодняшняя тенденция Биткойна напоминает тенденцию с середины 2019 года до середины 2020 года. Если мы будем рассматривать этот период как время стабильности, то вскоре может произойти изменение или скачок цены Биткойна, основываясь на том, что мы наблюдали в прошлом.

При изучении волн реализованной Cap-HODL Биткойна с середины 2019 по середину 2020 года долгосрочные держатели (LTH) прекратили распределение и вернулись к фазе удержания. По сути, это указывает на то, что опытные инвесторы сохранили веру в цикл, а не предполагали, что он достиг своего конца

— binhdangg (@binhdangg1), 5 сентября 2024 г.

Что дальше на рынке биткойнов 

По прогнозу эксперта, на рынке биткойнов могут наблюдаться значительные колебания как в последние три месяца этого года, так и в первом квартале следующего. Он подчеркивает, что такие движения рынка часто происходят неожиданно, подчеркивая присущую рынку непредсказуемость.

Подводя итог, именно долгосрочные инвесторы могут значительно выиграть на рынке биткойнов, если сценарий развернется так, как предсказывают эксперты.

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2024-09-05 16:41